Contact us

Do you need help or do you have questions about Supertext? Don't hesitate to contact us! If you are experiencing problems with the service, please write your phone number when you contact us to make it easier for us to help you.

Before contacting us, please check our FAQ to see if you can find the answer to your question there.

Contact us

We like to know what you have to say about Supertext! Use the form below to ask questions, ideas, criticism or praise.

Type of feedback Topic * Message * Groupname Your phone number Email * * (Required field)

Common questions

Before you contact us, please take a minute and check if you can find the answer to your question here.

What is this? I don't want to be a part of a Supertext group!

There is multiple ways to leave a group if you have been invited by mistake. The simplest one is to send /stop to the number that you have received SMS from. Or you can log in, navigate to the group page and leave it.

I want to change my name, or the name of another member

You can not change the name of others, but everyone can change their own name. Either by texting /name followed by the name you want to the groups number. Or tou can login log in and change your name on the homepage.

I or someone else left a group by misstake

If anyone left the group by sending /stop to the group, the same person can invite themselves by sending /start to the same number. If the administrator removed the member, the same administrator can add the member to the group again from the website, or via one of our apps.

Read more questions and ansers in our FAQ
Common questions